Cedar Counseling & Wellness

We’re Happy Together – Should We Consider Couples Therapy?

Many people in relationships think that therapy is only for couples who are unhappy. However, happy couples may also benefit from therapy to maintain their relationship. In this blog, we’re going to talk about some of the many reasons why even those in the happiest relationships can benefit from therapy


1 – Prevent Issues Before They Begin 

Even the happiest couples can run into issues over the course of a lengthy relationship. Therapy can help you talk through areas of potential conflict, so you make progress to avoid issues before they begin. Taking the time to prevent future conflict by talking through areas of potential concern, like finances, kids, living arrangements, and other common conflict areas, can help you to grow closer together as a couple. 


2 – Learn Great Communication Skills 

The majority of relationship conflicts can be boiled down to one thing – miscommunication. Learning good communication skills is essential to maintain a happy, healthy relationship now and in the future. A therapist can help you understand and avoid toxic communication styles and develop effective methods of communicating. Good communication can bring relationships closer together in the present and keep them thriving into the future. 


3 – Engage in Arguments with a Mind Toward Fairness & Respect 

Arguing happens – even in happy, healthy relationships. The difference is learning to engage in arguments with fairness and respect. Couples can fall into many traps during fights from bringing up the past or shutting down to getting defensive or name calling. Let’s face it, we’re not always at our best when we’re fighting. Couples therapy can help you learn more respectful ways to resolve arguments and fight fair, so you don’t end up stuck in a cycle of bickering about the same unresolved issues. 


4 – Set & Maintain Boundaries 

At every stage in relationships, setting and maintaining boundaries is essential. When you got together, maybe some of your partner’s behaviors bothered you, but you chose to ignore them or thought you would get used to them. Now, you’ve just been gritting your teeth when your partner’s entire family drops by unannounced…every weekend. This is why it’s so important to set and maintain boundaries, which actually goes right back to good communication and fighting with fairness and respect. By learning to communicate your boundaries clearly, you’ll be more likely to avoid unnecessary conflicts with your partner. 


5 – Deal with Issues Outside the Relationship

Despite our best efforts, we can bring the stresses of work and life outside the relationship home with us, placing higher levels of stress on our relationship. Whether you’re struggling at work, have a loved one who’s ill, you’re dealing with a difficult life transition, or any other concern arises, therapy can help you go through these tough times together, strengthening your relationship.  


Ready to Get Started? 

If you’re ready to get started working with one of our knowledgeable therapists at Cedar Counseling & Wellness for relationship therapy, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via phone, email, or secure message. You can also set up a session, using our secure scheduling request form.